- Framed Certificate
- Engraved plaque to be displayed on campus honoring winners
- Nominee must be enrolled at Penn State Mont Alto during the semester of nomination
- Nominee must be enrolled in a Penn State Mont Alto degree
- Nominee can be a full-time or part-time student
- Must be in good academic standing
Criteria for Judging
- Demonstrates engagement in academic, organizational, and/or community work that exemplifies commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB).
- Actively contributes to Penn State Mont Alto and community life in ways that fuel positive changes and promotes DEIB on campus and/or in the surrounding community.
- Cultivates meaningful relationships with people across the university that support the work of DEIB.
- Committed to building and maintaining an inclusive campus where all members of the community can thrive.
- Nominations accepted from any Mont Alto student, faculty, or staff member. Self-nominations are also accepted.
- Nomination must include student’s qualifications for the award as they relate to the “Criteria for Judging”.
- Completion of the nomination form by the nominator (online nomination form located at bottom of page).
Selection Committee
- Director of Student Affairs
- Student Affairs Representative
- Faculty Member
- Student Government Association Representative
Nomination Deadline
Nomination deadline for the 2024-2025 award season is March 28, 2025.
Past Recipients
2024-2025 is the first year this award is being offered. This year’s recipient will be added here to start a list of recipients recognized each year.